
Educational consultancy

We provide educational consultancy, project management, testing, and evaluation services for corporations, SMEs, and public and private organisations.

Education and training – eXtreme learning in our  Duck Academy

We deliver highly effective and motivating courses, workshops, idea cafés in the areas of innovation and creativity, entrepreneurship, languages, communication, culture, eSkills, nature, (digital) art, and rural development – online and offline. Our target groups are companies, public organisations, teachers and trainers as well as individual learners. We are certified  Lego® Serious Play® Facilitators. We combine proven methodologies with highly innovative ways to enable deep learning and reconnect to nature. Join us on our eXtreme learning ventures.

Research and development

We focus our research on play and learning and on the design and development of innovative collaboratory eLearning environments and learning scenarios in cooperation with international partners.

Evaluations and impact assessments

We have expertise in carrying out evaluations and impact assessments of national and European projects and programmes.

Major clients have been the European Commission and projects in the programmes LifeLong Learning, European Social Funding, Health, and Interreg.

We have a pro-active evaluation approach. We do not only assess your project using summative and formative types of evaluation. We also provide coaching, mentoring and support for your project team to make a considerable impact and develop Best Practices.

Project Management and Fund Raising

We are experts in designing, managing, and coordinating complex projects and deliver on time and to budget! We help turn your projects to sustainable best practice projects. Programmes we can support you with: Horizon 2020, Interreg, Erasmus+, European Globalisation, national programmes in the fields of green energy, health care, agriculture, social innovation, and education.

If you want your projects to succeed, contact us for a competitive offer!

Who we are 

ed-consult consists of an international team of partners with professional backgrounds in languages, education, social sciences, political science, art, anthropology, and agriculture. We deliver courses and workshops across Denmark and worldwide. All services and courses can be provided in English, Danish, and German, and on demand in other European languages in cooperation with our partners.

Contact us

ed-consult,  Birketoften 6, Nymindegab, 6830 Nr Nebel, Denmark

We deliver our services globally.

Phone. +45 31550323  – Skype: edconsult – Email: info@ed-consult.dk 
